By: Brandon Jacon-Jenkins

This production was produced LIVE on Zoom.

Direction: Paul Takacs
Scenic / Video Design: Matthew Ryan Kennedy
Lighting Design: Angelo Sagnelli
Costume Design: Alex Wolff
Sound Design: Kristen Sacredote

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Many of the backgrounds used in the show were animated, created with Procreate, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe After Effects.

Love Animated Background

Friendship and Everybody Animated / Shared Background

Kinship / Everybody / Cousin Shared Background

Since the production was moved to being produced virtually on Zoom, almost all of the scenes included shared backgrounds between multiple actors. These allowed for the characters to appear to exist in the same space, while the actors could be in their own homes.

Little Girl Background

Stuff and Everybody Shared Background

In order to achieve the unique placement of the Zoom video boxes pictured in the storyboard below, we used a combination of Zoom (to record the actors), OBS (to configure the video boxes and backgrounds), and Youtube (to livestream the show each night.)

NOTE: Each performance was done live!

Usher 1 and Usher 2 Shared Backgrounds with the Somebodies surrounding them.

Death Animated Background

Mind, Senses, Strength, and Beauty Backgrounds